Yes! We Are Latinos

In the websites that complement the books Yes! We are Latinos / ¡Sí! Somos Latinos, you will find pedagogical suggestions and a great variety of resources to use in the classroom. You will have general suggestions applicable to any theme of the book, and specific activities for each theme, including questions to guide a dialogue conducive to critical and creative reflections, group and individual activities and recommended authentic literature [fiction, biographies, poems, songs] for the topic presented in each chapter.
Visit the website of Yes! We are Latinos Visit the website of ¡Sí! Somos Latinos
Authors in the Classroom

Authors in the Classroom is an exploration of Voice and Identity through creative writing as a means to bridge the gap between the cultures of home and school. Its contents center in the role of Teachers as authors, their leadership responsibility in the educational community of their classes, and the various strategies that they can implement to make authorship an important key in the curriculum across subjects.
Visit the website of Authors in the ClassroomMaybe Something Beautiful

Maybe Something Beautiful is the triumph of a community against the darker forces of social decay. Mira, the protagonist, decides one day to paste her drawing of a sun on one of the dark walls of an alley on her way back from school, just to bring brightness to the smiles of her neighbors. The force of that sun’s attraction transformed those streets and the lives of their neighbors, forever.
Visit the website of Maybe Something BeautifulPremio Campoy-Ada

The Campoy-Ada award was created by the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE) to recognize works in the field of children’s and youth literature that stand out for the originality of their idea, their artistic and literary achievement, and the excellent use of Spanish language. Visit the website to learn about eligibility criteria and for submission instructions.
Visit the website: Premio Campoy-AdaAlma Flor Ada

Alma Flor Ada, Professor Emerita at the University of San Francisco, has devoted her life to advocacy for peace by promoting a pedagogy oriented to personal realization and social justice. A former Radcliffe Scholar at Harvard University and Fulbright Research Scholar she is an internationally re-known speaker and the author of numerous children’s books of poetry, narrative, folklore and non-fiction.
Visit the website of Alma Flor AdaF. Isabel Campoy

F. Isabel Campoy, could be described in her own words as a venturous, adventurous, multilingual, mestiza, multicultural, Latina. She is the author of over one hundred titles in Spanish and English, including children’s books in the areas of poetry, theater, stories, biographies, and art, as well as books for educators in the areas of Transformative Education, Second Language Acquisition and Authentic Writing.
Visit the website of F. Isabel Campoy