In this delightful story of identity, a little blue square is unhappy about being a square. He wished could be a circle or an oval, he does not like his corners. Even after learning they are called angles he does not like them. It will take his grandmother’s teaching to show him all a little square can become, by folding and stretching he can be a triangle, a square, a diamond and with some practice a windmill, a paper boat and even a paper crane able to fly as far as he would like.
This suspense-filled mystery is set in the Middle Ages, during the construction of the Cathedral of Burgos. Three young friends succeed in capturing some thieves in this award-winning story that includes themes of friendship and trust, discrimination and prejudice, and bilingualism/biculturalism. After reading this book, young readers will view the advantage of speaking several languages in a new light.
The four stories in this charming book all take place long ago in different parts of the World: South Pacific Islands; Japan; ancient Judea, today Israel; and ancient Mexico. They all contain some magic: the magic of discovering beauty; the magic of generosity and gratitude; the magic of brotherly love, and the magic of prudence and justice, of teaching and learning.
Poetry & Folklore
An invitation to open the windows of the imagination to recapture a sense of freedom through twenty-six poems celebrating the joys of holidays and gatherings: birthdays and family picnics, Halloween and Hanukah, Fourth of July and Cinco de Mayo, Las Posadas and Lunar New Year. Illustrated by images of the author;s art collection, from folk-art pieces gathered during their far-reaching travels, to paintings from well-known artists, most of them friends of the authors. This graphic presentation creates a parallel subtext to convey cultural connections and solidarity among people from across the World.Descriptions of the origin and significance of Latino holidays is also included.
The ten books of this collection each contain twelve rhymes or poems or rhymes. The rhymes are from the traditional folklore, the poems written by Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy and other remarkable poets. The magnificent color illustrations are by Ulises Wensell. There is a set of 10 CDs to accompany the books.
Poems transformed into songs with music and voice of Suni Paz.

La inclusión de 23 canciones, hace de este CD, que acompaña al libro Poesía eres tú, un excelente instrumento de extensión y contenidos excepcionales. Las selecciones más representativas de la poesía de Isabel, unidas a un nuevo ritmo creado por el equipo musical Paz-Cruz Fernández, proporcionan variados ejemplos del mejor folklor latinoamericano. Hay representados poemas para el aprendizaje, para ser bailados, o para disfrutar con la alegría de su mensaje.

Todo es canción (Everything is Song) gathers some of the most recognized poems by Alma Flor Ada. The 142 pages, in a delightful format, have been illustrated by María Jesús Álvarez. In a 7 pages introduction ¿Qué es poesía? the author explains in clear prose the basic elements of Spanish poetry: Poesía en verso y prosa. El verso libre. La rima. La aliteración. El metro. Imágenes y metáforas. La visión poética are some of the themes explored.

The Abecedario CD or cassette is a wonderful complement to the book Abecedario de los animales, facilitating children’s retention of the poems about the letters of the alphabet. Drawing on her broad knowledge of the Hispanic musical tradition, Suni Paz has turned each of the alphabet poems into a delightful song. The songs encompass a wide range of Latin American and Spanish rhythms, and provide an outstanding introduction to Latino children’s vast musical heritage. The tape also includes an original ABC song, a gift from Alma Flor and Suni to children and teachers.

Every one of the poems of the book Coral y espuma has been turned into a song by renown composer and singer Suni Paz. Drawing on her intimate knowledge of folkloric musical traditions of Latin America and Spain, Suni has created original compositions for each of the 29 songs. This makes this CD a most generous gift.

The stories Los tres cerditos [The Three Little Pigs], Las semillas mágicas [The Magic Seeds] and Caperucita [Little Red Riding Hood] also masterfully retold in verse by Alma Flor Ada. Suni Paz has created marvelous music to turn these stories into precious songs children will enjoy to hear or sing. The CD is enriched by two of Alma Flor and Suni’s signature songs, Cuéntame un cuento de hadas and Los libros son mis amigos.

Suni Paz has drawn from her extensive knowledge of Latin American folklore for the inspirational music that turns the poems in this book into memorable songs, an irresistible invitation to listen, to enjoy, to sing along.
These ten CDs accompany the ten books of Música amiga, to offer a total of 120 songs, which include traditional folklore as well as poems by Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy and other selected poets turned into songs and sung by Suni Paz.

Here is a groundbreaking bilingual collection of traditional rhymes that celebrates childhood and Spanish and Latin American heritage. From playing dress up to making tortillas, and from rising at daybreak to falling asleep, these joyful rhymes are sure to delight young readers.

Blanca Nieves [Snow White], La cenicienta [Cinderella] and La bella durmiente [Sleeping Beauty] have been retold in verse, in a two part format which allows to make a pause in the listening of the story to elicit comments and predictions from the children. Suni Paz has created outstanding dramatic music turning these retellings into real performances of the tales.

Heartwarming lullabies and uplifting melodies and rhythms for parents and their children. The poems of the book of the same title have been transformed into songs by Suni Paz, who composed the music and sings them with her unique voice.
Books read by the Author

Alma Flor Ada y F. Isabel Campoy han leído, cada una, seis de los cuentos que componen el libro Cuentos que contaban nuestras abuelas. La retahíla El castillo de Chuchurumbé ha sido leída por las dos autoras a coro. El CD ha sido enriquecido con los comentarios personales de las autoras sobre las versiones creadas por cada una.

This bilingual CD contains the reading of both The Gold Coin and La moneda de oro. At the end of each reading I tell how this story, winner of The Christopher Medal, came to be. It was a very joyful experience for me to share this story, which I consider one of my most significant, in two languages.

This CD contains the reading of three of my favorite stories: Jordi’s Star, The Malachite Palace, and The Unicorn of the West. It was a very meaningful experience for me to record these books, to choose the music to accompany the reading, and to share after each recording the story of the creation of each book. The CD became even more meaningful as it was played during the performance of The Malachite Palace as a ballet.