Would like to enhance the presence of Latino literature in your classroom? A Magical Encounter has been created for that purpose. Many teachers have found that this book promotes the joy of reading and is a valuable vehicle for language and concept development, creative expression in multiple forms –oral, written, dramatic, artistic–, and the development of higher-thinking skills. It also provides trusted practices to enhance parent-school interaction.
This book, written in Spanish, is drawn from a long experience of working with Latino parents. It provides, in 22 brief chapters, reflections and practical suggestions that parents can implement to promote the healthy growth as well as the academic success of their children. A final section enriches the book with traditional proverbs, fables and poems originally written by the authors.

MÚSICA AMIGA, por su estilo claro y su organización gradual es la mejor guía para la utilización de las canciones en la clase, tanto con niños que hablan español, como con quienes lo están aprendiendo. La canción y la poesía son los mejores vehículos para desarrollar, en forma grata y perdurable, vocabulario, conceptos y valores.
A long life devoted to promoting social justice, equality, and peace, narrated with great honesty and engaging life experiences. Inspired by conversations at home, in Cuba, in a family of four generations of educators, the author began teaching college courses at the age of eighteen, in Denver, Colorado. After studying in Spain, she became a High School teacher while pursuing a doctorate in Lima, Peru. As a Radcliffe Scholar, at Harvard University, she expanded her vision of education that she put in practice at Emory University, Atlanta, Mercy College of Detroit, and at the International Multicultural Doctoral Program at the University of San Francisco. Her numerous award-winning books for children and young adults facilitated her visits to schools, all over the United States and internationally, allowing her to continue observing diverse educational practices.In this book she shares her lifelong journey pursuing the goal of learning from her students, and from her own four children, who showed her the path to become a better teacher and mother each day.

In its first part, this book presents a clear theoretical explanation of the significance of vocabulary expansion. It explains the relationship between first and second languages and the transferability between them. And offers suggestions on how to bring about a healthy and productive home-school interaction. The second part offers specific suggestions for multiple activities to develop a robust vocabulary as well as examples of vocabulary in thematic areas.

An insight into the life and work of Alma Flor Ada. The author discusses her work as a poet, writer of memoirs, re-teller of folktales, creator of her own stories for children and novels for adults.She shares the experience of creative collaboration. Her reflections are followed by essays from illustrators Leslie Tryon, composer and singer Suni Paz, lifetime co-author F. Isabel Campoy, her daughter Rosalma Zubizarreta, creator of the English version of many of her books on the art of translation, and her son Gabriel Zubizarreta on collaborating as a co-author. The book offers a Foreword: A Promise for a Better World by Janet Hill and Anthony Manna and an Epilogue: The Transformative Power of Language: Alma Flor Ada’s Gift to Her Readers by the same scholars.Drawing on her experiences as a Professor of Education, her extensive work with teachers and parents and many visits to schools, the book explores her pedagogical writings as a promoter of Transformative Education and Bilingual Multicultural Education and the valuable role of literature in the lives of youth. It also furnishes ideas and activities for using her books to spark the writer in every young reader.

En esta versión narrada de la primera parte del libro Música Amiga: Aprender cantando, Alma Flor Ada describe la importancia de las canciones en el desarrollo de la identidad, el aprecio por la cultura y los valores universales. Y explica, en forma clara y amena, los múltiples usos de la canción en la clase y en la relación hogar-escuela. La presentación está enriquecida con ejemplos de 40 canciones en la voz de Suni Paz, que ha compuesto la música de un gran número de ellas.
Creative Reading, a methodology developed by Alma Flor Ada, is an essential part of her vision of Transformative Education. In this DVD, she describes the principles of Creative Reading, using as an example the Reading Program Hagamos Caminos.
Hagamos caminos is an initial reading program created by Alma Flor Ada as an example of Creative reading. In this DVD Alma Flor discusses the principles of Creative Reading, a basic component of her vision of Transformative Education. While the principles are explained in this DVD using Hagamos caminos as an example, they can be applied using any reading materials.
In this DVD, Alma Flor shares moments in her life and their relationship with her various books.
The author shares insights about her life as an author and educator. This DVD can be a complement to Alma Flor Ada’s new book My Books, My Life, where the author reflects in detail on the compelling experiences that have inspired her very extensive production.
Folklore is one of the most effective tools in childhood education. It facilitates language and concepts acquisition, strengthens the relationship between home and school, and promotes cultural identity. In this DVD Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy present the role of folklore in the class and in their work. The presentation is enhanced by numerous examples of extraordinary visual and musical quality.
Alma Flor Ada presents her rich biography talking about her childhood and youth and sharing her joy on becoming a mother. The author tells how as her own life develops as a reader, a student, a mother, and educator, a parallel life unfolds, that of an author and a motivator, promoting that teachers, students, and their families also develop as authors.
Bring F. Isabel Campoy into your classroom! This DVD presents moments in the life of F. Isabel Campoy in her native Alicante, walking by the sea, by her schools, speaking about her first story, published when she was eleven. Isabel tells us about her poetry, her theater plays, her mother’s proverbs. An ideal introduction to this author’s life and work.
Creative Reading, a methodology developed by Alma Flor Ada, is an essential part of her vision of Transformative Education. In this DVD Alma Flor describes eloquently the principles of Creative Reading and explains how through dialogue with their students teachers can develop in them a critical consciousness and creative attitudes towards their lives.